Bachelor for Life (BFL) :The Evolving

They say “Vibes doesn’t lie” but what if “lie also has a vibe”…!!!
We all have memories and childhood is one of the main frames that cover the most because those are the time mind is not used to gather much tension but to remember the events that we still cherish as we go into our flashbacks.

Thinking pattern.......
Wild events he loved to do starting from day at school to ending evenings on streets. Never found anything more fun than doing little things that made “Him” happy. The crazy attitude and the mania in his thoughts was something that helped him maintain distance from the opposite gender i.e. Girls. Opposite gender had opposite way of thinking and might end up with different approach of interpreting or doing things, because of such undefined theory of his own he rather stayed in his own world. Life is full of events and what is written in fate tends to happen eventually.
Always keeping his boundaries from girls he never even had an idea about if someday it was ever to hit “Him” it would leave such an impact. The boy who never really admired girls and felt to be more alive without their presence in his life encountered such an event that dismantled his tower of thinking that he has been building all these years.

How it used to work out.......
Till the age of13-14 his friend list hardly consisted of girls in it and other factor might be they used to avoid him because he might was not fit to be one, which might turn out as an irony as well. Being bachelor became most vibrant feel that he experienced once he realised that the love he used to wonder about was not what he found. Love is what we all need and we all have different ways to express it so did he, but maybe the ways he learned were not easy to understand  as it was not aimed to showcase the ability to love rather loving with a pure heart was all that mattered to “Him”.
Seasons change and so does life. This is how things started to turn out differently when he got older and was becoming more knowledgeable about kinds of feel. The one feel that was still left aside was love and somehow it evolved as “She” came into picture and was just unaware of the term used to express such a vibe.

"Kind of old version"
Crush what they all call it these days but for him it was just an impact like never felt before that gave rise to unknown emotions which he didn’t  knew how to deal with. This evolutionary event was meant to happen so he could recognise how it used to feel what they all kept talking about. This is how it applies that “it happens when it’s meant to happen, not after, not before, just in nick of time.
“Him”…. &….”her”…!!

#stay tuned #feelthevibe  #him&her #bachelorforlife #RT#love#sarcasm #share #follow
If you related, then Stay tuned to know the next phase “The first feel”....!!!
For any related feeling or assumptions for upcoming phase leave comment below and do follow and share for more.


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