
Bachelor for Life (BFL): The Priorities

They say “We all set our priorities and are needed as well” but “sometimes what we need becomes our priority”…!! Again He had to go back with her memories just after few days but still he had something biting inside his head and that was “ how come I became one what I never thought I would be ”. Next morning he showed up a little late and this time she was waiting for “ Him ” and he was very pleased to see such and merely brought a sense of warmth in his heart. As he was walking up to her, he was generating different questions in his mind just like any other random guy would do ,but as he was noticing her and saw her gazing at him the same way he used to do while he waited for her and she came towards him. Whatever he thought before getting close to her it all started to diminish and when he finally reached her and just said “Hey….been good” nothing else. How much he mattered to her was still unknown to him ...

Bachelor for Life (BFL): Expressions

They say “old is gold and stays forever” but that “gold is not worth affording for everyone”….!!! Days continued to pass and since his previous visits every coming day he was now more excited to see her and talk to her knowing that she too had that feeling for her . Same mornings and the same time she used to come and for a moment he used to gaze at her thinking “really is it happening” and even thought it was real still he was living it just like a fantasy. He never knew what she liked or disliked and maybe was too dumb to even ask her . He did not want to rush as much as his heart did every time he saw her . But as time went he gradually started making conversations that could get “ Him ” a slight idea about how she used to treat life. From 24 hours of the day only 3 to 4 hours they were able to squeeze in which main factor was one due to age constraint and lack of facilities provided to them. But...

Bachelor for Life (BFL): Living The Phase

They say “unexpected things tend to happen in life” but “expected things never surprise us like the unexpected ones”…!!!!! As time went on they had more common things to share about they were surprised to know about each other and were gaining ever-increasing interest in those simple talks. He had never been so much interested in any other before. He already had a hint that she was known of the fact that He had fallen for “ Her” but he still none of it was confessed from either of the side. So, he made a decision to tell her that he fallen for her and did not care about the reply as he just wanted to take the load off his chest. The very next day he went up to the same meeting spot and it was 7:00 AM in the morning when he stood up here and looked at his watch and began to wait. He knew that 2 hours gap was there between their meetings but he did not show up early due any kind of stress or anxiety rather ...

Bachelor for life (BFL): Learning Things

The say “some things are learned over time”, but “what if that time is not sufficient to learn”   Careless attitude towards things can make it very hard to understand some things importantly when it comes to emotions and the same happened to Him as well. He was never into understanding emotions on a good note especially in girls. “What they seek, what they want, what they need, what the admire, what they expect” were typical questions that he heard and used to revolve in his mind because he it was far from what he observed normally. She never even gave a slight idea about being associated with any type of such question or maybe she did not wanted to show just like others and wanted him to understand over period of time. But he has always been dumb in these cases that she never knew or might have known already with conversation they had. Months passed and finally the time came he was awaiting for “Just to see h...

Bachelor for Life (BFL): Common Understandings

  They say “some things we tend to understand that we do not speak” but as per him “speaking would be much more relevant if things were understood”. “ Him ” and “ Her ” were coming into picture and there were unexpected changes in his ways of dealing with day to day activities and the way he used to notice things. The place where they met was not the place where he resided and as he was an occasional traveller to that place things had to settle down. But it was her that the boy being an occasional traveller to that place was now becoming kind of a regular guest to the place. He still remembered the first time he was about to leave after they met she said in a very polite tone “always keep that smile up, looks good on you” and he replied in a certain way “ For Sure ” . The boy who was very good at forgetting things never knew these words would become something to Him that he would apply and remember thr...

Bachelor for Life (BFL): Passing Days

They say “Time never stops” and totally true it is, But sometimes “even u want it to rush so you can have the next moment with someone you awaited for”. Time kept flowing and even he knew that he had limited stock for that. But spending that limited time with someone like her started becoming a little more important day by day. Unaware of the bond they were starting to have, it was somehow creating a affect on his thinking. Waiting is one of the things that can make one tired and loose hope and if seen on the other side it can also be an excitement if done for the ones you feel it is worth even if the result might not turn out to be same as expected. Days kept passing by and even they eventually began to know each other a little more each day as they spent time, played, talked or waited. The boy who was always reluctant to such doings was now indulged in doing the same. Infatuation comes and goes but once it turns to be...

Bachelor for Life (BFL): The First Feel

“U feel the rush in your heart when you see something same you always thought it be ……… but keeping alive that thought of something can give your heart the same rush”..!!!! Although many adorable faces passed “ Him ” by everyday one day there was “ Her ” face that came across “ Him” that he wished if he had a stopwatch for time so, he could stop the time and could adore that face all day long. Form “ Him” , she was like a beauty undefined. “ She was like a first fresh ray of sun , she was like a clear view in a cold foggy day , she was like a reflection of moonlight on the water at night and as far as he could see she was like a last vision he could ever wonder to see if it was his final moment on earth”. He could always remember the first look on her face “ she was looking downwards and he was standing sideways and was fortunate enough to see her putting her hair behind her ear . The first thing he was ab...